NHS Kent and Medway Clinical Commissioning Group is developing a programme of support and care for those experiencing long-term health effects following a Covid-19 infection.

It is working with hospitals, GPs and other healthcare professionals to make sure it provide the right services and advice for people as they recover.
Kent and Medway CCG want to hear from anyone in Kent and Medway who has had Covid-19 and has continued to experience symptoms over a longer period of time – particularly for more than four weeks, and also from family carers. You don’t have to have been to hospital, had a diagnosis of Covid-19, or even have had a positive test. They also want to hear about the impact on families and carers and what support would help them.

To give your views and get involved you can join an online patient experience workshop on either Thursday 8 April  6pm – 8pm or Wednesday 28 April 10am – 12:30. To register for events or to complete an online survey visit the KMCCG website.

The workshops will be led by Cathy Finnis, Independent Lay Member for Patient and Public Engagement and Dr Neil Banik, Respiratory Lead for Kent and Medway. The purpose of the events is to hear about people’s experiences of Long Covid and about what types of support would work best for patients and families. 

For further information please email the engagement team: kmccg.engage@nhs.net  

Further information on support for longer term Covid can be found here >