Key Information

Team name: Wound clinic
Clinical Lead: Jo Constant
Team email:
Team address: Unit 5 Ambley Green
Team phone: 0300 123 3444


9am - 4.30pm Monday to Friday 

We provide support and advice on all aspects of complex wounds, pressure damage and leg ulcer management through telephone or email advice or face-to-face consultations with the patient and/or their healthcare professional. We accept referrals from community nurses, practice nurses, GPs in Medway, nursing homes or local prisons. We see patients in clinics, nursing homes, residential homes or at the patient’s home (housebound patients only).

Following a comprehensive assessment, we will discuss and advise on possible treatment for patient’s condition and can arrange referral to other services if necessary

  • conservative sharp debridement (removal of dead skin with a scalpel)
  • advice and allocation of specialist dynamic pressure relieving equipment (air mattress/air cushions)
  • advice and provision of topical negative pressure equipment to aid in the healing of complex wounds
  • advice for all healthcare professionals and carers caring for patients in Medway who have complex wounds and/or pressure damage
  • training packages and education for healthcare professionals including trained staff, non-trained staff and students
  • training events for carers in Medway to educate and raise awareness regarding pressure damage