People who suffer from a mental disorder or disability of the mind, such as dementia or a profound learning disability, and who cannot consent to the care or treatment they need, should be cared for in a way that does not limit their rights or freedom of action. However, there are occasions when an individual, over the age of 18, needs to be deprived of their liberty, in a hospital or care home, for treatment or care because this is necessary in their best interests to protect them from harm. If this is the case then a Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards (DoLS) Authorisation must be sought.

More information about the Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards and how you may be affected as a patient or carer, please see the leaflets below:

If you believe that you are, or someone you know is being deprived of their liberty without authorisation in a hospital or care home please speak to a senior member of staff initially to report your concerns.  However, if you still have concerns having spoken to the staff at the hospital or care home please contact:

The Kent and Medway Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards Office 
3rd Floor Brenchley House, 
123-135 Week Street, 
Kent ME14 1RF

Telephone: 01622 696275